My first bout with cancer was a thyroidectomy in 2006, with RI follow-up in 2007. In 2011, my daughter was diagnosed with a Germ Cell tumour on her left ovary, and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Because of our family history of Dissected aneurisms, I had an ultrasound in 2012, and they found a large mass on MY left ovary. It turned out to be a large Fibroma, so a hysterectomy and oopherectomy were performed, just as my daughter was healing from her journey. In 2017, DCIS was found in my left breast, and I underwent 2 lumpectomies back to back, with follow-up radiation and Tamoxifen. I continue to be followed up with ultrasounds for my thyroid, but am currently clear regarding the breast cancer.
My sister is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cervical cancer, which was diagnosed during COVID in 2020. Her outcome remains precarious.
All of these surgeries were done at UHN, Toronto General and PMH.