Sample Beneficiary Designation

To designate The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement savings plan (RRSP), registered retirement income funds (RRIF), mutual funds, Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), life insurance, or other financial accounts, please use the following information:

Useful Legal Information

Legal name: The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Address: 610 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 2M9
Charitable Registration #: 88900 7597 RR0001


For More Information

Before deciding about your estate plan, consult an estate planning attorney. To learn more about how your gift will be put to use, contact Genane Peniak, Associate Director, Estates and Gift Planning, at 416-660-1276 or

Your Giving Toolkit

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

Sample Beneficiary Designation

For Trustees and Advisors

We're here to help

Genane Peniak

Associate Director, Estates and Gift Planning

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

Hannah Tsui

Development Officer, Estates and Gift Planning

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation